Monday, February 15, 2010


I posted a comment on Chynthia Turner's blog

Friday, February 12, 2010

When is someone considered Grown

What makes a person grown? Is it age of maturity level? Does it make you grown because you pay bills and live on your own and making babies? Or are you grown when you start to think differently. Do you do things for your future of just for right now? I was just wondering.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Blog Comments

I just posted a comment on Jonny G's blog

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I commented on Tracy Benetatos and Cynthia Turner's blog.

My Thoughts

A couple days ago I was listening to the radio and they were talking about a very interesting topic. They were talking about marriage, but there was a twist. The topic was being discussed by a man and a woman. The man believed that women are so eager to gete married that they would stop or put off their dreams or goals if a man asked her to marry him. But a man on the other hand would refuse the proposal if he has not accomplished his goals. I thought this comment was very wrong and sexest. For some reason men believe that women are incappable of having a fuctinal lfie without a man in their life.

Friday, February 5, 2010

A New Era

My boyfriend and I have just recently moved in together about six months ago amd thins arent the same as the used to be. I thought things would get better but.... Anyway thats not the topic. I was just wondering what responsibilities who should have. Who washes the dishes, takes out the garbage, and mops the floor. Who washes the clothes and who pays the bills? Or should everything be fifty-fifty? Does it depend on who makes the most money or who makes it home first? I believe some men are still stuck in 1900's where the me go out and work and the women stay home and take care or the kids and do all the housework, What they fail to realize is things are not that way anymore. Women have careers now, we go out an work nine to fives and are still expected to take care everything else.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Men are becoming endangered species.

During my Cultural Anthropology class the subject of the difference between men and women came up. We discussed this topic in many different aspects such as different cultures, ages, eras, species, etc. And the end result was not men are needed to keep things running smoothly. Now days there are not many, if any, jobs that women can't do. We can dump garbage cans, deliver mail, drive semitrucks, or be president of the United States (we we're pretty darn close). Don't think I'm being biased because I am a woman because my instuctor, which is a man, has the same opinion. So that only leaves one thing that we cant do by ourselves; make babies and with advancing technology.........