Friday, February 12, 2010

When is someone considered Grown

What makes a person grown? Is it age of maturity level? Does it make you grown because you pay bills and live on your own and making babies? Or are you grown when you start to think differently. Do you do things for your future of just for right now? I was just wondering.

1 comment:

  1. I think an individual can be considered grown at any age. Maturity level also can not be determined by age because you can be mature far beyond your years, everyone encounters different phases of life at different ages. Even though I currently live back at my Mom's house, I still consider myself an adult. In my opinion, an adult is a person that is self-sufficient-they pay their own bills and pay for their own expenses, they take responsibility for their actions, they make responsible decisions like paying bills over buying shoes, and an adult respects themself. I still consider myself an adult even though I do not live in my own apartment right now which I have done before. Being an adult, I contribute to my Mom's household in terms of buying groceries, gas for the car, and basically helping pay for anything we may need. I also respect the fact this is her home so I ask if I can have a friend over, and if she needs privacy I respect that and I leave the house for a day or two so she can relax.I also pay for all my own expenses. This is something an adult would do and nowadays people classify an adult by the things we acquire-a car, a job, a baby, or an apartment instead of how we act mentally and in terms of respect for others and ourselves. A few of my friends have children and some of them think because I do not have a child I am immature, irresponsible, and materialistic. This is not true having a child is apart of adulthood it does not establish it. Just because I do not have a baby does not make me irresponsible just because I have money to spend, and I can make more free decisions such as moving to Las Vegas instead of having to make decisions based around a child. People have the whole adult term confused with acquiring things. I have met people 35 who do not work, live at home, and make decisions that do not make any sense and they think they are adults. Why, when they do not conduct themselves like adults???? I also know people that have a car and an apartment, but they would rather buy new shoes instead of paying their rent and this is irresponsible and unadultlike. Paying bills is something that an adult does instead of taking the easy way out plus wouldn't you rather have a place to live instead of a "fly" pair of shoes??? With being an adult comes more decisive plans, responsibility, and self sufficiency which applies more to adulthood instead of material possessions like a car, an apartment, or a baby.
