Saturday, February 6, 2010

My Thoughts

A couple days ago I was listening to the radio and they were talking about a very interesting topic. They were talking about marriage, but there was a twist. The topic was being discussed by a man and a woman. The man believed that women are so eager to gete married that they would stop or put off their dreams or goals if a man asked her to marry him. But a man on the other hand would refuse the proposal if he has not accomplished his goals. I thought this comment was very wrong and sexest. For some reason men believe that women are incappable of having a fuctinal lfie without a man in their life.

1 comment:

  1. It’s unfortunate but true. Women often derail their goals in pursuit of marriage. Marriage and children for many women is the ultimate goal with everything else being secondary. It seems as though women have a strong desire, a need, to nest. When the opportunities for nesting arises many things get set aside, even good judgment is often disregarded. Sometimes women marry a man who they know isn’t right for them because the “need to nest” takes over. I’m not sure if this comes from nature or nurture but it is very real for many women.
